Funding excellence in child healthcare and research
The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba exists to improve the health of children everywhere by inspiring our community to support excellence in child health and child research. We are passionate about increasing the quality of life for infants and children.

Home to a world-class research facility
The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba is home to the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM). At the institute, more than 270 world-class medical researchers, technical staff, students and support staff are involved in nearly $20 million of research and clinical trial activity each year. CHRIM is the only research facility dedicated exclusively to paediatric research in the prairie provinces. It’s the headquarters for some of the leading allergy and asthma research being done in Canada.

The Centre for National Information
Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (Trekk) is an online database doctors can access to find the best, up-to-date information available about paediatric emergency care across the country. Thanks to donations, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba is proud to have supported the establishment of Trekk.

Enhancing how we care for children
Thanks to your support, we continue to advance and expand services and facilities at the Children’s Hospital. In 2019, a new Neonatal Intensive Care Unit will open. A new Cardiac Centre will be built to assist over 6,000 kids, and a new indoor-outdoor space will be added to our Child & Adolescent Mental Health Unit. All of these things are happening because you took the time to care.
You can help advance excellence in child healthcare
Your support directly impacts the health and quality of life of infants and children.
About The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba
The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba is dedicated to ensuring that every child treated in Manitoba receives the best medical care possible.
Since 1971, with incredible donor support, the Foundation has raised more than $100 million to improve the lives of sick and injured children from Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, and Nunavut. Funding supports important programs that bring comfort to sick children during difficult times, the purchase of life-saving equipment, and the advancement of paediatric health research that will improve the lives of children everywhere.
Gary Rozak
Director – Corporate Partnerships and Stakeholder Relations
(204) 787-4093